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Your Lifehack Dashboard

A comprehensive guide to navigating and maximizing your personal Lifehack dashboard

Welcome to Your Lifehack Dashboard!

Hey there, Lifehacker! 👋 You've just stepped into your personal growth headquarters. Your Lifehack Dashboard is designed to be your go-to place for self-improvement, goal-setting, and receiving personalized guidance. Let's take a detailed tour of what you can do here!

What's on Your Dashboard?

Think of your dashboard as a Swiss Army knife for personal development. It's packed with tools to help you grow, learn, and achieve. Here's a breakdown of each feature:

1. Your Lifehack 360 Report 📊

This is the heart of your dashboard - a comprehensive, personalized analysis of your life and goals.

  • Where to find it: It's front and center on your dashboard, usually the largest section you'll see when you log in.
  • What's inside: The report is divided into several collapsible sections. Each section dives deep into a different aspect of your life, such as career, relationships, health, or personal growth. For example, you might see sections like "Career Aspirations," "Work-Life Balance," or "Personal Wellness Goals."
  • How to use it: Click on each section to expand it. You'll find detailed insights, recommendations, and action steps tailored to your responses from the assessment.
  • Pro tip: Set aside dedicated time to review each section thoroughly. Consider how the insights align with your current situation and what actions you can take based on the recommendations.
  • Keeping it relevant: We recommend updating your assessment every 3-4 months. Life changes, and so should your insights!

2. Your Big Northstar ⭐

This feature helps you identify and focus on your most important long-term goal.

  • Where to find it: Look for a prominent section, often near the top of your dashboard, labeled "Big Northstar" or "Primary Goal."
  • How to set it: Click on the 'Add Big Northstar' button. You'll be guided through a process to define your most significant long-term goal.
  • What to include: Your Big Northstar should be specific, meaningful, and ambitious. For example, "Launch my own business by 2025" or "Complete a marathon within the next 18 months."
  • Why it matters: It serves as your guiding light, helping you prioritize actions and make decisions aligned with your ultimate goal.
  • How to use it: Regularly refer back to your Big Northstar when making decisions or setting smaller goals. Ask yourself, "Does this align with my Big Northstar?"

3. Ask AI Coach 🤖

Your 24/7 personal advisor, powered by advanced AI to provide instant guidance and motivation.

  • Where to find it: Look for the "Ask AI Coach" or "Chat with Coach" section, usually featuring a chat interface.
  • How to use it:
    1. Click 'Ask Anything' to start a free-form conversation.
    2. Or choose from pre-defined questions like "What should my next action for my Big Northstar be today?" or "How should I allocate my time for my Big Northstar today?"
  • What it does: Based on your profile, goals, and previous interactions, the AI Coach provides personalized advice, action steps, and motivational support.
  • Example uses:
    • Get a quick pep talk before a big presentation
    • Brainstorm ideas for overcoming a specific challenge
    • Receive daily action steps aligned with your Big Northstar
  • Pro tip: The more you interact with your AI Coach, the more personalized its advice becomes. Don't hesitate to ask follow-up questions or seek clarification.

4. Notifications 🔔

Stay motivated and on track with timely reminders and updates.

  • How to turn them on: Look for a notification prompt at the top of your dashboard. It might say something like "Enable Push Notifications" or "Stay Updated."
  • Types of notifications:
    • Reminders to check in on your Big Northstar
    • Prompts to complete daily actions
    • Notifications when new insights are available in your 360 Report
    • Motivational messages aligned with your goals
  • Customization: You can usually customize which types of notifications you receive and how often in your account settings.
  • Why use them: They serve as gentle nudges to keep you engaged with your personal growth journey, ensuring you don't lose sight of your goals amidst daily life.

Getting Started is Easy!

  1. Complete your assessment: If you haven't already, start by taking the comprehensive Lifehack 360 Assessment. This typically takes about 30-45 minutes and covers various aspects of your life and goals.

  2. Explore your 360 Report: Once your report is generated (usually within 24 hours), dive in! Set aside at least an hour to go through each section carefully. Take notes on insights that resonate with you and actions you want to take.

  3. Set your Big Northstar: Reflect on what truly matters to you in the long term. What's that one big goal that excites and challenges you? Define it clearly and set it as your Big Northstar.

  4. Start a conversation with your AI Coach: Begin with a simple greeting or choose a pre-defined question. Get a feel for how the AI Coach can support you daily.

  5. Enable notifications: Customize your notification preferences to ensure you receive helpful reminders without feeling overwhelmed.

Quick Tips for Success

  • Make it a habit: Schedule regular check-ins with your dashboard. Even 10-15 minutes a day can make a big difference.
  • Track your progress: Use the insights from your 360 Report to set smaller, achievable goals. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small!
  • Leverage your AI Coach: Don't just use it for big decisions. Engage with it daily for continuous guidance and motivation.
  • Be honest and reflective: The more authentic you are in your assessment and interactions, the more valuable your insights will be.
  • Take action: Your dashboard is a powerful tool, but it's your actions that drive real change. Commit to implementing at least one recommendation each week.

Need a Hand?

Feeling stuck or have questions? We've got your back! Use the support button in the bottom right corner of the page to contact us. We aim to respond within 24 hours.

Remember, your Lifehack journey is uniquely yours. Your dashboard is here to guide, support, and inspire you every step of the way. Embrace the process, stay curious, and enjoy watching yourself grow into the best version of you!

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